No Knead for Bread in your Pinnacolo Pizza Wood or Hybrid Oven

September 30, 2022
The family will not stop wanting fresh bread every day. This is slightly old-fashioned style recipe that is 100% full of gluten, and 100% full of honest to goodness.
Ingredients List:
- 2 cups water luke warm
- 1 tbsp quick rise yeast (1 packet)
- 1 tbsp coarse kosher salt
- 4 1/3 cups white flour unbleached, all-purpose white flour
- semolina for pizza peel
- Combine yeast and water in a bowl, and add in the coarse kosher salt
- Gradually add in flour.
- Stir together until you have all the ingredients combined. Using a Danish Whisk helps greatly. Cover bowl and let it rise for 2 hours.
- After 2 hrs divide the dough evenly into 2 loaves while the folded side is underneath, and gives you a nice tight top.
- Preheat your Pinnacolo Pizza Oven to 450 degree F. If you are using a wood fire you might want to start this 2 hours prior so that you have a solid coal base
- Leave each loaf on a floured linen or a round banneton. Cover the dough for its final proof for 45 minutes.
- After it's proofed, gently transfer to your peel or baking tray/stone. Cut several slashes across the top. This allows the bread to move upwards as opposed to sideways when it bakes.
- Bake until the interior temperature of the bread is 210 f. (around 25 minutes). Or until the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow.